Thursday, December 9, 2010

December 9, 2010

1.54- Sugar and Spice- Hot bread. I was starving. For some reason the sandwich I made for lunch today was making me nauseous, so I didn't finish it.
14.84- Mom was gone so we had to fend for ourselves for dinner. Jared owes me like 9 bucks out of this.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

December 8, 2010

Today I had an hour to kill so I spent 1.07 on a cup of hot chocolate and drove around to find a pretty view of Provo. One more day of class. Woo hoo!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

December 7, 2010

4.58 - Subway
5.36- Gandolfos.

I was on campus for 12 hours today. I made a big fat lunch/dinner to take with me this morning and then I left it at home. That was special.

Monday, December 6, 2010

December 6, 2010

Ok, So I have missed the last twoish weeks. I was sick. Sarah came over. I was buying stuff left and right for the family and then getting paid back for it. Sooo yeah, things got complicated. I paid for my car insurance, I paid extra for my car payment, I paid Laura for the gym. I tried to catch up, but it's kind of a nightmare trying to look at your bank statement and figuring out what everything was from that shopping trip. Anyway here we are, starting again.

Today I spent 35.78 on gas.

November 23, 2010

21.33- Costco. Laura and I bought driving gloves. It's the best. She paid me 10 bucks for hers.
2.99- Amazon Online Rental. Beautician and the Beast. It was Me, Laura, Sarah and Katelin. We had to watch it.

24.32=total for day

Monday, November 22, 2010

November 21, 2010

Sorry I haven't been posting, I was super sick and wasn't thinking about really anything important. I have updated it though. I know you are all just dying to see what I spent.

Didn't spend any money, but need to remember to pay tithing next week.

November 20, 2010

I sat around all day watching TV/movies. This was the WORST day of me being sick. No money spent though :)

November 19, 2010

19.79-Target. Make-up, Tissues, Water, Sprite (still feeling sick at this point), Gum, Powder Brush.

8.35- Cafe Rio. Pork Salad. Even though I was super sick, this actually sounded really great at the time.

Total for the day: 28.14

November 18, 2010

I was feeling a tiny bit better and I still had to get my costume for Harry Potter that night

11.73- Savers
33.80- Gas
56.14- Smiths, most of this is groceries for my mom so I'll get paid back.

Total: 111.67. Yowza. Luckily, some will be reimbursed.

November 17, 2010

I didn't spend any money. This was the day we all started to feel sick.

November 16, 2010

16.88- Maceys. Bobby Pins, Elastics, A Drink, Shampoo & Conditioner, some cheezits that were really sick that I ended up giving to Jared.

6.88- Sonic. WORST idea ever. I got SOOO sick from this. I will probably never eat there again.

23.76=Total for the day

November 15, 2010

6.23 - Freschetta Pizza in the Wilk. I was meeting my parents at the MOA right after class for FHE and I needed to stop and get dinner.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

November 14, 2010

No money today. It's Sunday, duh.

November 13, 2010

35.22 Target. All but 8 dollars of this (I needed a white shirt) will be reimbursed to me. I picked up a jacket thing for my Dad.

9.50 Harry Potter ticket for Nathan. I will be reimbursed for this as well. Along with the 12 other tickets that I bought. Yikes.

6.50 for fake blond hair for my HP costume. Get excited for pics.

3.99 Rented Charlie St. Cloud from iTunes. Why does redbox not do online rentals for a dollar a night? I think it's genius.

55. 21: Total for the day. But really only 18.71 since I'm getting paid back for everything else.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

November 12, 2010

5.15 McDonalds. I really tried to avoid this. But, we didn't have any bread to pack a lunch. I even tried bringing some soup in a leftover dish, but we only had HUGE ones. I even tried to find a little one in the fridge that I could empty out. No Luck.

33 ish dollars for gas. It still isn't on my Wells Fargo.

20.47 Pizza Hut. Laura is paying me half of this. We had a Friday night-in. As opposed to our regular Friday nights. Haha!

Wasted too much money on food.

November 11, 2010

No money today.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

November 10, 2010

6.34. I got dinner because I had to run straight from class to our ward activity.

I didn't spend 18 dollars on a sweater from Victoria's Secret that came with a free scarf and a gift card worth at least 10 dollars. I was really close thinking that it would really only be 8 bucks for a sweater and scarf. But, I don't need it. I haven't been thinking to myself, "Hey, I need a sweater and a scarf." Therefore, it was not something to spend my money on. Even if it was 8 bucks (technically). And, I figured that I would end up spending more money to use that gift card. So, good form, self.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

November 9, 2010

5.00 on my Signature Card. I had to print some stuff for an assignment and then I used 1.40 of it to buy snacks, as I was extremely hungry/celebrating my 98% score on my Anatomy Midterm!!!

5.85- Smiths. No cool coupons this time. I got some decongestant and a bunch of orange juice. I am trying to nip this cold in the bud.

Total for the day 10.85.

Could have gone without the 1.40 in snacks. I bought some nuts at Costco to bring for snacks since I have class until 6 everyday, but they are really salty so I hate eating them. Bad excuse.

November 8, 2010

I did not spend any money. Woo hoo! I even went to Costco, and didn't spend a dime. This is HUGE.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

November 7, 2010

Today was Sunday, so the only money I spent was the 38.00 for tithing. Which isn't really spending money, but it is going to be leaving my bank account come tomorrow.

November 6, 2010

33.22- Gas. All this construction traffic is really taking a hit on my gas mileage.
5.66- Smiths. Note cards and a box of Theraflu. I love this stuff, whenever I start to feel sick, I mix me up some of this and instantly feel better. Also, when I was buying it at the self-checkout, right after I scanned it a 2 dollar off coupon printed out for Theraflu. Don't mind if I do. I used to hate Smiths, but after that experience, I think I've had a change of heart.

Total for the day: 38.88. All needed.

I also fought the temptation to go and buy something for lunch because I was starving and there was "nothing" to eat at home. And Target's daily deal was a super cute apron for 12 dollars that I totally would have bought, but alas, this blog is working it's magic.

Friday, November 5, 2010

November 5, 2010

I didn't spend any money today.

That's pretty good, seeing as I usually blow a lot of money on Fridays. Woo hoo.

November 4, 2010

I spent 1.40 on snacks in the vending machine because I was starving.

And technically, I didn't spend it, because I had already put the money on my signature card. I'm just sayin'.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

November 3, 2010

I didn't spend any money today.

I was actually starving on my way home from school today and I thought about stopping somewhere to pick up something to eat, but I knew that I would be ashamed if I put it up here because I definitely didn't need it. I even thought about cheating and just using the quarters in my car. But then I decided that I didn't want to have a loophole, because that could cause problems in the future.

So, yeah, there are days when I don't spend money, but I was tempted to today, and because of this blog, I decided not to. So good job self, I'm proud.

November 2, 2010

1.07- Redbox Toy Story 3 for babysitting Michelle's kids
1.50- Library late fees. Don't judge me.
19.35- Walmart trip. Vitamin E: 5. Window scraper: 6. Body Wash: 2. Mouthwash: 5. Mentos: .76.
9.00- Car wash. My Dad took my car and got it pretty dirty. I didn't want it to ruin the paint, and I had some time to kill.

Total for the day: $30.92

The redbox was for entertaining the kids. I had to pay the library fees eventually. I needed everything at walmart, except for the mentos. Car wash wasn't entirely needed. I do think my Dad should have paid for this one :)

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

November 1, 2010

Okay, so yesterday this is what I spent my money on:

250.28- car payment. Only $100 was due, but I'm looking to pay this off sooner.
40.00- Tithing
31.55- Gas
50.00- Pay off Credit Card
7.96- Subway. I was meeting my family for FHE and traffic was bad, so I didn't have enough time to run home to get dinner. I feel like this is a good reason.

Grand total for the day: 379.79.

Kind of a lot of money, but I feel it was all necessary.

Yikes, I already don't like seeing how much I spend in just one day. Although, the first of the month is a little bit different...

The Idea...

Ok, so for a long time now, I have wanted to get better at how I spend my money. I find myself coming across these great deals and I tell myself "I can't NOT buy this." Well guess what self, you don't have to buy it. We have all heard of people having a weight loss blog or something listing what they eat everyday and how much they weigh. And for some reason putting it out for the whole world to see, it helps them. Well, that is my same idea for this money blog. I will post whenever I spend money on something. Whatever it may be. I am hoping that by doing so I will feel less inclined to buy those unneeded things. So, wish me luck! P.S. The background of the blog is rain, you know, "saving for a rainy day." haha. Does anyone else find this saying weird? Whenever I come across a rainy day I want to stay at home and do nothing, not go out and spend any money I have saved. Kind of weird.